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(765) 742-9081
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(765) 714-8408
(765) 714-8414
OMNI Property Management
P.O. Box 331
Lafayette, IN 47902
We are so happy that you have chosen to live in one of our apartments and we hope that you are enjoying your new home. In this section you will find all of the most important information for a tenant to know. Take a look around.
Maintenance Requests
Your home should be comfortable and safe. Don’t hesitate to make a maintenance request or learn more about our maintenance policy.
Have you lost a document that you need for your reference? Thinking about adopting a new pet and want to know our policy? Do you need a refresher course on our Rules and Regulations? Check out the documents below, whenever you need or want to. Please note that these are sample documents and terms vary.
Rent Payments
By Mail: P.O. Box 708, Lafayette, IN 47902
In Person: 316 Ferry Street, Lafayette, IN 47901